We create the future
The company Metal Produkt Servis Praha, s.r.o. was flunder in July 2002 for
the purpose of realization of projects in the branch of engineering production
aimed at chuck, welding and handling technology.
The company dispose of professional staff, own production areas and high leveled
technical equipment. Customers can be satisfied in short running terms with
guarantee of high quality due to versatility and flexibility followed by
adequate managerial process.
The company achieved its position in the market owing to excellent fulfiling of
customer´s requirements.

Manufacturing program
- Welding jigs
- Handling jigs
- Measuring devices and control master jigs
- Dedicated devices and special accessories
- Production of complete manufacturing lines
- Transport and handling systems
- Machinery components and assemblies
- Construction – CATIA V5,
simulation of robot movement in DELMIA / Robcad

Certificate and a Quality Policy
The company is committed to comply with a certified quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015 standards, as an integrated tool for its management and implemented practices.
The quality policy supports the strategic focus of the company's management in areas that are key to its economic prosperity, overall development, and reputation.
TISAX and TISAX results are not intended for the general public.
Assessment details:
Scope-ID: S8KWKM
Assessment-ID: AN55TN-1
Our TISAX assessment results are available through the ENX Portal.
The best references are our customers
An integral part of the measurement is the elaboration of a measurement protocol in text and graphic design. All company aids and equipment are subject to a controlled regime and are regularly inspected and calibrated within the deadlines set by the company metrological rules.

Are you interested in our offer? Contact us!
Send us a message using the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you want to ask something directly, you can also write us an e-mail or call.
Metal Produkt Servis Praha, s.r.o.
Davídkova 692/30
180 00 Praha 8
Czech Republic
Manufacturing plant
Metal Produkt Servis Praha, s.r.o.
Boženy Němcové 255
538 51 Chrast u Chrudimě
Česká republika